Waves Into The Darkness
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Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of On the Verge of Dreaming Again, On The Verge of Dreaming Again (Instrumental), and The Corona Demos.
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What am I?
Invasive light
What am I?
Birth before awakening, the void
Cannot distinguish between myself and the world
The question not yet to exist
Is this the sum
Of my experience
These first simple moments?
Little by little
Identification between the subject and the object begins
The structure of the self is beginning
The mirror awakens in me. I begin to see…
The change it rockets from the deep
Toward the surface where I sleep
Awaiting, opening my eyes
The change, creating suffering,
Joy – all things and in between
The objects clear in front of me
I am opening my eyes.
My body in this imaginary space
Recognition of myself in the things that I see
The people and places surrounding me
Little by little,
The structure of this mind and identity begins
Unification, purification, discovery
Integrating into this broader personality
Individuation, my mind like fire
Consuming all it touches and sees.
Control and adaptation
Defending against this energy
This mind autonomous
A synthesis of differences
This time awake again
Impulses driving actions
Decisions rooted in regret since infancy
Only upon this deathbed
Can I see clearly as I did
Before when all was fluid
When nothing lived beyond these hands
And all creation was a dream
On the verge of dreaming again
This time awake, slipping into eternity
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A Mind That Bleeds
The nexus of human misery and glory
Who am I?
Seldom does the response to this challenge rise
To the task and provide
Discernable, pragmatic means
Of navigating the territory
Of self within the context
Of society, of the mind that bleeds
Thoughts onto the canvas of the fabric of life
As we see it
Perceiving images as dreams and not reality
Who am I?
I am the animal driven by desires of flesh
When we die
We will be not rewarded or punished so I live for myself
This is the basis
Of love and hate
Peace and war
Happiness and despair
The questions is not if a man can know himself
But what he knows when he does so
I am the animal driven by desire
When we die we will be not rewarded
I am the animal driven by desire
When we die we will be not rewarded
Or punished so I live for myself
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Waves Into The Darkness
The horrors, the horrible things I have done
That define me, that find me on quiet nights
That thus design me
They come
In waves that sweep my mind into the darkness
Of full abandon
The urge to engage again
To bring about the end
To finally put to rest
Empathy or to strive for forgiveness
No forgiveness!
For me, for anything that I have done
Or succumbed to on silent nights
Beneath a decorative veneer of apathy
The further reaches of my mind
There is where you can find me
Sound asleep
A silent witness, gently dreaming
Not knowing the absence of self
Allows this darkness to envelop and deepen
In my dreams I see a beacon
That guides me along the night
Stones beneath the surface
They are writhing
Softening and clinging to me
Begging and pleading
Offering and reasoning
To see the light
But how can I see it beyond my blindness?
The light, it creates my blindness
The urge to engage again
To bring about the end
To finally put to rest
Empathy or to strive for forgiveness
The urge to erase again
To bring another ending
To silently put to rest
Empathy and give in to weakness
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The end, the darkness closing in on me and
I am frozen
Hoping the dimming of the light
Will happen slowly
Although I’ve not yet faced it
I see her in the distance
A visage grim and ever patient
Waiting to embrace me
Within its eyes I see my fears
Reflected, piled up in insurmountable
Mountains of chaos and agony
Mountains of chaos and agony
The fear it grips me as it always has
In moments when the sky is turning black
And pulling back, I run from the past; I try to make amends
To right the wrongs in hope that peace will come before
The darkness closes in on me and
I am frozen once again
The dusk has come; the stars are forming
Words that I can’t read but still I see them
And fear their beauty
No, don’t take me
I’m not ready now
I await but death waits for no one
Lie awake, create the nightmares that haunt the silence
Lie awake, feeding thoughts that won’t subside to darkness
I await but death waits for no one
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Come and Embrace Me
Here I stand at the edge of the abyss
The wind that once blew cold
Now welcomes me in
I come to accept it
That this now, at the end of all things,
Is where I belong
Is where I was meant to be
So come, and embrace me
These sands, I have wandered them so long
And so weary I’ve become
A moment’s respite before I begin again
These sands, how they swirl and sifting through them I’m overcome
And overcoming fear I sleep among them
Feasting on the flesh of doubt, I finally accept it
Erasing every fear and holding tight to what is dear
I’m bracing for the plunge
Into an endless ocean, so crystal clear,
I have abandoned all of my fears
These sands, I have wandered them so long
And so weary I’ve become
A moment’s respite before I begin again
These sands, how they swirl and sifting through them I’m overcome
And overcoming fear I sleep among them
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The nature of the soul
Is to metamorphosize
As the world around me changes
I see through different eyes
And can’t believe how I could be so blind
How could I come this far with nothing to guide me?
The question then becomes
Do I adapt or succumb
Or do I stagnate waiting for my turn to find myself?
Beneath the treads,
Living as the waking dead,
Resisting reincarnation over and over again
At the end when all that waits is death
Will I find myself enlightened or will I simply be sent
Back to the void to someday reemerge
Fragmented yet intact
Held together by thread
Back to the void to someday reemerge
Will I remember?
Will I remember who I am?
As the ego dies,
I am finally free of these bindings
Free from hate and lies
I can finally see my guiding light
Where words had once occurred to me
There now is nothing
A vastness I did not believe could ever truly be
But in this emptiness
I do not find fear, unhappiness, or sorrow
Just a warm and gentle glow
That fills me as my understanding slips away
Here before me a place that I have been
Long, long ago in a time of non-remembrance
Images that once had been so clear
Dissipate into each other
I push to send them
Back to the void to someday reemerge
As something wholly different
A better thread
Back to the void to someday reemerge
Will I remember?
Will I remember who I am?
As the ego dies
I am finally free of these bindings
Nothing left to hide
Spirit raw and finally flying high
Nothing behind me
And nothing below
Only a new path forward
A reckoning of the soul
Pulled apart and simplified
To a single solid core
Like a seed bursting with life
Waiting to be sown
Eagerly I stand
Waiting to be born as something new
As the ego dies
I am finally free of my bindings
Screaming to the sky
Tears are falling
I am finally alive
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